My Must Have Firefox 3 Plugins for Web Development

My Vista crushed this morning. Data is safe but all the set up files are gone.
So I lost all my Firefox plugins as well.
I decided to write down my list of plugins which I must have.

1. Web Developer
2. Firebug
3. Colorzilla
4. Font Finder
5. Screengrab
6. Delicious bookmarks
7. Measureit
8. Wappalyzer

If you want more, you can find a nice list at
22 Firefox 3 Plugins Web Designers Can’t Live Without

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How to Add flash Animated label cloud Blogumus for Blogger

I just got a RSS article called "Tag Clouds - Styling and Adding Sort Options an article" from CSS globe.

But I wanted to add a flash Blogumus tag cloud to my Blogger. Then I found this article "How to Add flash Animated label cloud Blogumus for Blogger"

I just adjusted color, width and height.
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Adding a drop cap to Blogger

Neal Grosskopf wrote an article CSS Drop Caps Without Unnecessary HTML Elements or Classes.

I tried it with my Blogger here and I found a small adjustment to work in Blogger.
What you have to do is create class dropcap and add CSS.

You can see a big N at the beginning of this paragraph.

background: #990000;
border: 4px double #ffcc00;
color: #ffffff;
float: left;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-size: 3em;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
padding: 10px;
text-transform: uppercase;

And you need to add span with class="dropcap" to the first letter of your paragraph like this.

<span class="dropcap">B</span>BC News.

It becomes like this.
BBC News.

You can add more class like .blue after .dropcap

background: #3B7CEF;

And add this class to a span tag.

<span class="dropcap blue">C</span>NN News.

CNN News.

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How to add Read More to your Blogger

This is an official article from Blogger.
And I'd like to show how I implemented to this blog.

1. Save a backup copy of your template before you start. Just copy and paste all your code to a text file on your hard drive, so you can replace it in case anything goes wrong.

2. Paste the following code in your header. I add it just before </head> tag.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}

3. Adding "Read More" Links

Go to Layout and click EditHTML. Add a tick to Expand Widget Templates. Then add the following code to your template, after the <data:post.body/> tag:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'><br />
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more!</a>

You can replace the "Read more!" text with Continue Reading or Read the rest of this entry », etc.

4. Post Modifications

Go to Posting and create a new article. And wrap your article which you want to hide with the following code.

<span class="fullpost">

Your main article here


That's it folks. Thank you for reading.

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Add your Twitter updates to your Blogger

On the right side, you can see my Twitter updates.
Here is how you can add your Twitter to your Blogger.

1. Login to your Blogger and go to Layout.
2. Click "Add a Gadget" and select HTML/JavaScript. Add the following code.

<div id="twitter_div">
<h2 style="display:none;" class="sidebar-title">Twitter Updates</h2>
<ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
<a id="twitter-link" style="display:block;text-align:right;" href="">follow me on Twitter</a>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

3. In the above code, change YOUR-Twitter-NAME to your twitter name. If you want to change the number of updates, change count=10 to any number you wish.

4. Add the following CSS to your Blogger CSS and tweak it according to your taste.

/* Twitter */
#twitter_update_list li {
background-color: #EFF4FF;
text-indent: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border: 1px solid #B5BDCF;
#twitter_update_list li span{

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How to add jQuery Plugin: Scroll to Top to Blogger

After reading an article "jQuery Plugin: Scroll to Top" by Craig Wilson a couple of weeks ago, here is how to add it to your Blogger.

There is a similar code by David Walsh here. But I am using a code by Craig.

You can see the action in this page. You just need to scroll down a bit and you will see a ^Scrol to Top box on the right bottom. By clicking it you go to the top of the page.

1. Add the following HTML before your </body> tag.

<a href="#" id="toTop">^ Scroll to Top</a>

2. Add the following CSS code in your Blogger CSS code.

/* to top */
#toTop { width:100px;background:#F4FFBF;border:1px solid #ccc;text-align:center;padding:5px;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:10px;cursor:pointer;color:#666;text-decoration:none; }

3. Add the following jQuery codes just before </body> tag.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
* jQuery Plugin: Scroll to Top
* by Craig Wilson, Ph.Creative (
* Copyright (c) 2009 Ph.Creative Ltd.
* Description: Adds an unobtrusive "Scroll to Top" link to your page with smooth scrolling.
* For usage instructions and version updates to go
* Version: 1.0, 12/03/2009

$(function(){$.fn.scrollToTop=function(){$(this).hide().removeAttr("href");if($(window).scrollTop()!="0"){$(this).fadeIn("slow")}var scrollDiv=$(this);$(window).scroll(function(){if($(window).scrollTop()=="0"){$(scrollDiv).fadeOut("slow")}else{$(scrollDiv).fadeIn("slow")}});$(this).click(function(){$("html, body").animate({scrollTop:0},"slow")})}});

$(function() {

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Blogger tips

You can find many great tips for Blogger users in
On the right column there is Blogging tutorial For Beginner.

I used the following tips for this blog.
How to add related post widget
Add search engine to your blog

Another helpful tips for Blogger users is Amanda Fazani's website Bloggerbuster.
You can download a free PDF book to improve your Blogger design.
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Social Bookmarking Button "AddThis"

In my last post "Add sharethis widget to your Blogger, WP or website", I wrote how to add ShareThis button to your website or Blooger.
Then I found another social bookmarking button called "AddThis" . This site also offers copy and paste code for your website.

You can read an article from Packt Publishing about AddThis.
Another article from Packt.
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Adding Tweet Button to your Blogger and Website

After reading an article by Woork, I added Tweet this to my bloggers. The article was simple but I thought I could add a little bit more details here.

Open your blogger and go to Layout.
Click Edit HTML then tick a box next to Expand Widget Templates.
Then find a line

<div class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-1">

Then after this line add the following line.

<div class="tweetmeme">
<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_url = '<data:post.url/>';
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>

Then add CSS just before the line.


I add the following css to mine.

tweetmeme {
width: 70px;
height: 75px;
float: left;

For your normal website, you can use the following code where you want to add Tweetmeme.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

You can find an Official documentation.

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Add sharethis widget to your Blogger, WP or website

I just added sharethis to this blog and other my websites.
You go to and create your account by clicking For Publishers.
After logged in, go to Get the Button to create a new button. You can choose your platform and modify the button appearance. You can create codes by selecting 'Share This Button for other websites' under 'Pick your platform drop-down'.
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The undocumented life of jQuery .append()

The undocumented life of jQuery's .append()

Posted using ShareThis
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IE 6 hacks, tips and blocker tutorials

I collected a number of IE hacks tutorials over the years. Here is the list which you can find great tips for your websites.

IE6 hacks and tips
1. 10 Fixes That Solve IE6 Problems
2. Obituary For IE6
3. Feed IE 6 with a basic stylesheet
4. IE CSS Bugs That’ll Get You Every Time
5. Defensive coding and CSS: Preventing the most common bugs
6. Closing the gap between list items in IE
7. 5 Easy Ways to Tackle IE6’s Transparency Issues
8. Don't kick your visitors's IE 6 and below out of your css layout
9. Let Internet Explorer 6 Behave Like Internet Explorer 7

IE6 Blocker scripts.
One way is to educate your audience by suggesting to a better browsers.

1. IE 6 Blocker Script
2. A simple IE6 upgrade script

Demo for above script are here. You have to use IE6 to see the effects though.
IE 6 Blocker Script Demo
A simple IE6 upgrade script Demo

1. Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image
2. IE6 standalone
3. IE tester
4. netrenderer

If you know more, please add them to the comment.
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Officezilla: Projectmanagement and client management

I just played around with Officezilla and found it very useful.

I found some great things with this online app.

It's free and no limit on the number of users you can add.
You can create groups, users and projects. Then you assign users for certain projects. This means you can show a project or your work progress to your selected audience. Informing them about hours spent and other information.

Only this function is good enough for me to use. But there are plenty other functions you can use in this app.

Other functions are :
Every user has access to post and retrieve information.
Control access to all data through user levels.
Easy self-administration with help on every feature.
Reduce mailing costs by distributing documents and other information online.
Access important information from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.
We use our own securely hosted equipment with more then 99% uptime reliability.
Any user can upload information and specify it as personal, without having to share the information.
Import and export information from Act, Outlook, or any other program that can generate or accept comma-delimited .CSV database files.

Try it out.

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Adding search to Blogger or website

I was working on my other Blogger website today.
If you are using Blogger you can add it by using "Add a Gadget".
But I didn't want to use a Gadget, because I wanted to add a search function in a horizontal navigation.

If you want to add it to your website with using HTML, you can find the details in Google custom search.

So I added search function with the following code to my Blogger site.

<form expr:action='data:blog.homePageUrl + "/search"' id='search_form' method='get'>
<input id='searchinput' name='q' size='22' tabindex='2' type='text' value=''/>
<input id='searchbutton' name='submit' tabindex='5' type='submit' value='Search'/>

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SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors Updated

SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors is updated on 10th March 09. If you have a previous version like me, it's a good idea to update it.

This is a great bookmarklet to have on FF.
Created by Andrew Cantino and Kyle Maxwell.
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Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery by By Soh Tanaka

Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery is another image display for your portfolio. Simple and effective.
You can see the demo here.
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Creating a “Filterable” Portfolio with jQuery by Trevor Davis

Trevor Davis wrote a tutorial called "Creating a “Filterable” Portfolio with jQuery" in
You can find a demo here.
You can use it for a customer's portfolio and add a jquery lightbox.

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Add Disqus comment system to your blogger

I just added Disqus to Blogger . Disqus is a comment management. You can manage all your comments in different websites. Great thing is it's free. It is very easy to implement to any platform and very powerful. If you are tired of Blogger comment system I strongly recommend to use Disqus.
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jQuery Accessible Tabs - How to make tabs REALLY accessible by Dirk Ginader

Improved version of jquery tab by Dirk Ginader.
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Xobni Outlook plugin

I found this Xobni Outlook plug-in very useful.

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Douglas Crockford: "The JavaScript Programming Language"/1 of 4

From Yahoo! Video.

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jQuery Animation - Sliding In and Out, Up and Down

Video tutorial from Vimeo.

jQuery Animation - Sliding In and Out, Up and Down from Jack Franklin on Vimeo.
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Creating a Scrolling Gallery Using jQuery

Video tutorial from From-the-couch

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^ Scroll to Top